5 ways to increase subscribers and views on YouTube?


      5 ways to increase subscribers and views on YouTube?

Why do you need to know before the first increase in subscribers to subscribers on YouTube. Subscribers who they liked your content, you follow and who wants to see your next kantentio. In addition, the person who is a subscriber to see your new video, like the share of the comments again. To whom you can sell the product or service, through which followers share and increased customer. When someone subscribe to your channel, and also later when his YouTube account login will be able to watch your video on the YouTube home page of the view will increase. The more subscribers, the more income will be increased, and will increase stability. So we can easily understand how much importance subscribers. Video marketing is therefore an important goal is to increase subscribers.

Now I know how to increase subscriber?

1. To subscribe call Supply

Digital marketing is very effective for Call To Action. This is the case with video marketing more effective. At the end of your video call the moment your viewers to subscribe to the channel. Call To Action call or your subscribers will increase rapidly. However, the call will be presented in the right way. Call-To-Action video highlight will be the subject of the use of 3

~ Tell them to do?

~ Tell them why you need to subscribe?

~ Tell them how to do?

For example, you can tell right away if I want to get more new tips, click on the Subscribe button.

2. Use Annotation

Annotation of the people in the video, which chotaekati using sticky notes. This helps to increase both subscriber or view. However, it's more like some marketers are using video, which becomes irritating. Annotation used in such a way so as not to be disturbed, so that the viewers can help boost your subscribers. You can use two ways to use Annotation.

~ YouTube that has Annotation Annotation can use the link on the channel, or you can use other video link.

~ Graphic design through a button and the button included in the video on YouTube using the Annotation Spot Light, which will be connected with a link to your channel. It is very effective to the viewers eyes.


3. An alternative method of using blogs, YouTube Widget

If you have any web properties or the like, where the traffic comes to a lot of properties that can be used to boost your subscribers. That is, if you have a blog on the blog to embed a video to increase subscribers can utilize. Widget YouTube subscribers that you will need to install the blog. Widget is very easy to install.

4. Please keep in touch on a regular basis

YouTube is a community. Where is the relationship with one another, with one another in a variety of likes, shares and comments karetai through the exchange of information and other video content that you create your niches karakadera please contact your relationship. They regularly comment on the video, like the ad. As a result of its relationship with its subscribers will be attracted to read your comments.

If you need a day out of any channel is on your niches. Make a list of their contact them, please post them. Be careful not to comment on any spamim. Relevant and informative comment. Then the video channel marketer and able to attract subscribers.

5. Video: The series

Helps to increase the continuity of video subscribers. Like watching a video on YouTube to share bhiuyarasa comment that he likes his new video shows the video on the home page. As a result, if you do not subscribe to the first video bhiurasa new video viewing time increases the possibility to subscribe to. So long break after the release of a video with the video should be issued after a certain time.


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