What kind of article that helps to increase traffic?

A popular blog is a great tool for online marketing. You can create a variety of income sources. For example, Adsense, affiliate marketing, CPA marketing or sale of any goods or can own.
But a lot of content is to write a blog popular. The quality of the content is to be completed. If not, it can not attract visitors. Sometimes we can not find a topic to write content or the content of the article do not understand a lot of the time we can increase traffic to my blog, will play a big role. If you do not like the content is a topic if the customer can not be created. Topics content type that is why people prefer to Select, select the type of topics.

1. Daily News analysis for:

Visit the blog to find topics to write content and the latest news on your niches. When you search for a topic on Google khu Jara could come back again and again to the same topic. But if you look at any newspaper News of the latest news in the paper analyzes will get a lot of important information.
The niches in the high-profile byaktigulo discuss any issues, they should be some source of that study. If you can find topics to write very quick blog content.

2. Post comment

One idea is to create a source of the most popular post comments. There is a viral blog post or social media post comments amount to. These comments are not just some words. Here is a blog topic, with new business ideas and so on. In this case, different can identify a new trend. This is why there are no comments Tandon is viral, wants to know what things people ittadira. You can create a blog about the content of the subject.

3. Q & A site visits for:

Q & A sites is another great source of content. Q & A Please visit different sites on a regular basis. For example, Qoura and Yahoo Answers. Visit the sites of the two types of facilities. First, many of the questions you will find on your niches and have a wide variety of answers to the question of where the content will get a lot of ideas, you can learn something new. And the second is, you know if you need anything, ask about any topic to include in the content, which will get a lot of ideas. 500 to 1000 words to write the content will get a lot of ideas here.
Just do not be upset several good Q & A site Facebook and regular visits from your local linkadina group will get a lot of ideas for blog content.

4. Customer surveys or sort on followers

Sales growth or an increase in traffic, whether that none of the surveys are sometimes followers or customers. According to surveys, such as information about the customer to ask questions or to their desires, and their feedback on the matter and so on. If you know these things, you can easily find the topic of the visitor's desired content.

5. Competitors ACTIVITIES

We are always in danger, but they wear a lot of competitors for each business to benefit. The topic is an easy way to find out the content of the blog competition. Topics to competitors looking for something very close to first create a list of participants. They ended it in any kind of written content analyze. This analysis will come through with good topics. And on a more detailed description of the topics and content of the new data type. Do not ever try to copy.

6. Please research your niche or industry history

On niches to get a good topic to research the history of the niches. The Internet is a medium for research is very simple. But if you do not get good information, but you can read a variety of books in the library, and in the industry. In the book provides general information on all kinds of things from the beginning.
Not just books and magazines, the library will magazine. If you want to prove himself on a subject matter of the information and the data from the original will be the highlight. Then your visitors will think you efficient on these subjects.

7. Please publish the interview experts

If the blog content as well as various experts to interview. For example, if your niche is health advice of a doctor, you can create a content, or for any SEO expert's advice can write a blog post. In particular, several experts can write a series of posts. This series brings the visitor to a blog post.
Various experts advice, etc. The experience of visitors to see the content on the blog's content and increases reliability. And a lot of time to interview experts do not cost anything. Because they can promote their brand. You can publish it to your blog to interview experts.

8. Controversial Subject:

In the midst of all kinds of things to attract more negative things. In your industry that a lot of the negative things that are being discussed or have been the subject of a recent viral write the content for the blog. These are the types of content that will attract your bhijatarake easily.


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