Showing posts with label Why does Google penalty is a website?. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Why does Google penalty is a website?. Show all posts

Why does Google penalty is a website?

                                      Why does Google penalty be a website?

The biggest news is the website for each of the websites in Google's penalty reading. On penalties after a website for any reason, Google search results when the website is not available anymore. As a result, a lot of visitors to the website start hamate. So always be careful in any way that is not in the penalties.

Google is the biggest search engine prehab ira. Google believes that Google users search Google if anything will come of its relevant information and quality issues can be found. His belief in the value of Google search results page brings such a good website so that the user is satisfied with the first upset of the search. Heya Ranka Google search results to Google, there are some guidelines. The rules for the Hanalei Priyanka Google website. And if you do not read on Google's penalties.
The major causes Google penalties are as follows:

1. Backlinks Kenai

We all know how important backlinks for websites rankings. So many Internet marketers to quickly purchase backlinks for websites rya enka. The number of back-links to purchase backlinks spamming purchase. Spamming for Backlinks website after the penalties.

II. Duplicate antennas

Content for a website is the soul. If the content does not create himself by stealing other people's content using Google, then your website will be a penalty.
Quality content is a challenge to create. Anisette for a good amount of money because you have to invest. So many people create content copied from other websites or by creating low-quality content. But this kind of content is not acceptable to Google and Google gives websites penalty. Google wants to provide content that is unique and informative. When he is not creating content by content writers create unique and informative content.

3. H1 tuya gah

The tag of a website is a very important part. Google understand this tag about what a page has been created. But if you use the extra H1 tag, then your website is not ranking on Google will be a penalty. If you're confused because of Google.

4. More links to websites of other health

Link to a topic about which is always to be aware of. You can create a website in one language to another language websites linked to penalties if he will eat your website. For example, your website is written in the Bengali language, but a lot of links to your website is written in English.

5. Hidden everything in manually

Why that kana the link to your website and links can be seen in the Visitor used? If the background color to match the color with a lot of links can not be seen or hidden links to the designer's fault. Many people use Google to link hidden for playing games. I always say, a robber robbery of the house, so it is going to follow the rules. Google does not like the hidden links. You can not use hidden links to the website.

6. Comment spamming

Create backlinks to increase traffic using the comments section or a popular and effective strategy. But if you made a comment to automated comment spamming If you or your website, Google will pay the penalty. Many people are using the robot to quickly set up a lot of links to post comments.

7. Use the keywords kara Leh

This error can be seen in the new internet marketers, the keywords to rank websites by using keywords in the content into a lot more. As a result, Google's penalties is to read. Try always to keywords that are the natural article. Google will be the content of keywords in accordance with the rules of 0.7%.

8. Slow spinach

Ryatankim websites for speed is one factor. Any delay in loading the user does not want to visit the website. It increases the website's bounce rate, bounce rate to Ryan aka more in a lot of trouble, even Penalties may be.

9. Outbound much everything in manually

Our content needs a lot of time, such as outbound links that are required to use the content in order to increase bisbasayogyata, sometimes referred to someone else due to our outbound links, etc. to use. If you use these links, Google hates more. Google thinks anyone benefits from outbound links are being used for.

10. Use the links or add additional affiliate

It's natural to have a website or add affiliate links. But if you add the link to the websites or use be sib Haga part of the visitors are likely to get bored, and visitors do not have enough information.

11. Blakaheta use SEO methods

Blakaheta of any kind is unacceptable to Google SEO padding. So if you hate Black used to rank websites to quickly and understand it, then Google could lose your website rya kan Kim.

1. Quick Backlinks sthapanah

Backlinks for a website to rank the most challenging issues. This is not a short time. Full-time and requires a lot of strategies. If you want to create quality backlinks you have to be patient. But no patience for beginners rya enka byaklalinka different ways to create quickly. Up to this point
This tool allows you to view your website in Google's sandbox, or if there is a penalty -

At the end all I can say one thing, some of the best way to stay in front of all the thoughts that bring you saw big losses. Personally, I do not think so many things, even Google's new update of the names I do not remember, just like, I just put it in their heads, which means that to be honest, it will not hurt.