Pinterest tips to increase the followers

               Pinterest tips to increase the followers

If you want to increase phaloyarasa interesting photos must be posted on Pinterest. Since pintaresta are a kind of content.

10 ways to increase phaloyarasa Pinterest's important to say the word

1. Please enter your specific board promoted pintareste

Pintareste our everyday busy lives can be seen in the photo is a lot of us like to see the complete profile of the person who posted the photo, we do not want to waste time. So in many cases, Pinterest users are interested in the subject matter related to its follow-board space, the board is prepared person. To a certain extent due to the Board in respect of phaloyarasa.

II. An alternative method of introducing competition

People interested in participating in the various competitions social media. Pinterest is very convenient to manage through the various competitions. For example, a user's PIN, you can gain the prize to re-pin.

For those who will follow you to the pintareste gibhaoyera can be arranged through the competition. is a website through which you will easily be able to deliver the prize to the winner of the contest prize. Whatever type of competition that attracted the attention of the people through your account can increase phaloyarasa.

3. Use proper keywords and descriptive title

Your brand is consistent with the current competition keywords and relevant content based on what you choose determines. Keywords are the search by typing in the search box on your profile, then show a few board Keywords keywords to determine what changes need to be even more effective if you search the profiles shows that many boards. Long keywords and keyword highlighting common themes, etc. Choosing keyword is more effective.

Also you can write descriptions of each image so that users are attracted to your image. Product pages of the traditional, tough writing descriptions relevant and varied descriptions of some type.

4. Please follow other pinaradera

One way to increase one's followers also follow other pinaradera. For example, if you follow daily for 5-10 people, some of them will follow you, Pinar. Keep in mind, what kind of photo pinarara pin, pinaradera follow relevant to your brand.


5. Comment, re-pin and tegah

Popular image pintareste comment followers can increase users' attention. Popular section of the image or comment on something very simple, such as the "Great pin", "Nice find" and so on. However, understand, and take a good look at the image before you comment.

It will mean that the users, their image content to your interests and ideas. You're not just trying to attract their attention. The pinarara curious about you and your checking account and would be interested to follow.

However, keep in mind that it may seem spamim pintareste additional comment. And your account may be suspicious of ideas.

Comments from other pinagulo fit with your brand, you can re-pin. Especially when you try to promote the company tega there to other users. When entering your PIN re-written desakripasane @username to tega. Linkaapa with other companies or professionals can make to increase your reach. As a result, increase your reputation and your business will increase outreach.

6. Holidays / Special Occasions:

If you expect rapid growth in your account before you can use the holiday or special day, such as dangerous hyalayenera Decorations, Christmas or the 4th of July, Valentine's chocolate, jewelry, etc., based on the board by creating a special post to your account.

7. Please add Pinterest follow button on your website

Another way to profit is limited to one of the most important phaloyarasa Pinterest follow button on your website. This website gives visitors the opportunity to visit your printaresta account. It is expected to rise phaloyarasa your account. It is very effective in high-traffic website.

For example, to install the button in the header of your blog is very important footer, sidebar, etc. This website helps visitors to easily account for your brand and helps visitors into phaloyare.

Button you can create using the widget builder page on pintenest fit with your brand or create a custom button.

8. Link up with other social media accounts for:

Printaresta your account to your other social media accounts such as Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, etc. Of course, the link-up with your friends, family, everyone will become the printareste phaloyarasa.

9. Photos: The original post

Pintareste 80% of the content created by re-pin the rest of hayaarthat 0% of the original content. You can create original content by posting boards. It will enhance your board are unique, and gain followers.

Pinterest Marketing 8 Tips to Increase Your Visibility


         Pinterest Marketing 8 Tips to Increase Your Visibility

Are you curious about important matters Pinterest marketing? This article will discuss some tips on Pinterest, which is important for marketing your Pinterest account to increase traffic, relationships with the targeted audience and increase sales, etc. You can learn about.

1. Some products containing a pinah

Posted by creating a PIN types of product will increase the risk of getting it increases engagement. For example, this method also has two convenient ways: First, users will be able to understand what kind of product you have. Secondly, you are able to attract many users drsti. It is easily one of the few birds died dhile, because in many cases people do not see the pin, then you are missing the opportunity to show the products are.

II. Photo saijah

Pinterest pages of varied, high-quality and colorful, full image. Bout your image size and quality of the time being jaruriimejera daimensana a very important issue. Bharatikala (vertical) pin printarestera more useful.

3. Image description Post:

Posting images, including the importance of higher printareste. Pinterest, but with the image of the visible content descriptive captions need help with it. News feeds for users to quickly scroll through all their attention to the case of the image to be added is very effective. Users can learn more about the description of your image, and you can get ideas about how valuable the product. Prices in general, suitable for short and create text. Bold text and description helps attract attention to the details and color contrast should be. The most important thing is your keywords within the description and the keywords of the search page will show your PIN. 150 - 300 words, written in Pinterest is more fitting description or effective.

4. Linkah

Pinterest pins to be linked to the very simple and effective way of marketing. The users will be able to visit your site easily by clicking on your pins. This is a very simple way, but you can increase the traffic to your website.


5. Call-To-Action:

Like other social media platapharmera pintaresterao "Call-To-Action" option is a very important role. This encourages users to take several steps. Call-To-Action options Repin, Learn More, Buy Now, etc. may be included.

6. Price:

Drew attention to an important role for any price tag. When you attempt to sell it when the project promata your description, specify the value of the project. Prices are inspired to learn after the customer purchases.

7. Analysis Pinterest paryabeksanah

Analysis pintareste observation is very important. Typically, there's something you can not understand your audience, such as who are able to understand it, and who is watching your kantenti kantenti working well and which ones are not working. These data can be used to improve Pinterest account.

8. Keyword Use sabatra

Just as important as keywords on Google pintareste and important. Key-word search activities, except impossible. Users pin, board, search, etc. can Pinar. So as much as possible to include keywords throughout. Each barnanate a minimum, use the key word. Also, each pin, the board and refer to your profile and the key word.

Pinterest tips to increase your phaloyarasa ~~ Pinterest tips to increase the phaloyarasa

How to create an e-mail to e-mail marketing?

               How to create an e-mail to e-mail marketing?

Email marketing is a marketing method is much easier to sell the product. But if you can not create a better way to e-mail, then the amount will not be successful. Your e-mail list as well, no matter what the course will be subject to certain e-mail. The full email is not without issues.

1. Interesting Subject lainah

Even if you create a good e-mail to your email will not be successful unless there is a good subject line. The subject line is displayed for the first time. Therefore, the first priority should be the subject line. To write a good subject line is to keep certain things in mind.

~ Subject line will be smaller
It takes time to read e-mail in case of line a little bit, so people usually want to avoid. Again, it is not so small that you can not clean with any ideas.
Please choose carefully the words ~
Please be careful to write the subject line. Do not use any unnecessary words. If you use a few words to express the full meaning of the words to be able to try to use that word.
~ Gain or advantage dekhanah
Subject to the try line through which the customer or the customer will be able to see its profits or benefits.

2. Call-To-Action:

If you use email for marketing and do not use the Call-To-Action If you do not have the e-mail and e-mail marketing. It has become a very common e-mail. Subject lines such as Call-To-Action and to use the profits or benefits of the customer or the customer finds. Then he will follow your Call-To-Action. Of course it will be minimal. Some readers try to feel that if they do not click on this link, they will be deprived of anything. Then click on your email, and your sales will increase.

3. Please make the appropriate phone and e-mail

With the development of mobile e-mail when it is important to see people using mobile. Mobile e-mail is seen by more than about 70 percent. So if your email is not respansiba you lose a lot of customers. E-mail to the e-mail in such a way as to create any size of smart phones can be seen clearly. Do not try to use the picture of a small piece of e-mail. E-mail is easy to load. E-mail the customer a lot more time because of the loss of load.

4. Split Test for:

Email marketing is an important step in the success of the e-mail Split tests. Split Test your word may be new to email marketing, but it's an important word.
Before sending e-mail format that you create some of your email. Some e-mail to send the email and then separately. The better results via email to all the email marketing for full use. This test can be used in different subject lines of e-mail, Call-To-Action, pictures, headlines and so on.

5. An alternative method personality experience

To create an e-mail before you can understand the personality of your subscribers, the importance of personality can share your e-mail a lot of success will increase. Who you should know before making the e-mail to your subscribers, where they've been, like their interests. If you follow these things, you can create an e-mail chute anubhutike they will not be able to escape, allowing subscribers to your email. As for the United States to create an e-mail with their culture is different, and you can specify sabaskraibara choice. Again, if you want to buy and sell based on previous kastamardera understand their behavior, you can create e-mail. Create a way for the e-mail can be associated with the subscriber personality.

Ways to increase the loading speed of the website?

               Ways to increase the loading speed of the website?

A test showed that if a website to load in 3 seconds deri approximately 19% of the customers are unhappy and decreased 8% conversion rate. So as to reduce the loading time of the website can be understood better and better. Google ryaranka your website, but the website will take more time to load, the more you will lose profits.

A website is also an important factor to ryaanka Google as the website load faster. For each website that is not optimized. How to know a website's loading speed can be increased.

1. Use fast hosting company

The loading of website hosting has an important impact. Using a hosting company is not hosting the weak fast hosting company to host your website, takes over the costs.

2. An alternative method of reducing code

Each HTML comment, white space, line breaks, and reduce unnecessary code from the website. This means that each reduced size and loading speed of your website. The CSS code as much as possible to keep low. The website loading speed is reduced in the JavaScript code. Javascript must be as low as possible so as to use. And the bottom of the script to be used.

3. Optimize photos for:

Almost all websites use a variety of images. Thee-ram area in the image can not be imagined without. But this is to increase the size of images to a website and to increase the loading time of the website is responsible. So, of course, the small size of the images can be used. When using the JPEG image format is the best image. If the picture is bigger than the size of the crop and then use small.

4. Please change theme

One reason for taking a long time to load a website can be used in your theme. Many popular CMS for creating and managing websites as easily WorlPress, Joomla using and use the theme. If you see more than the time it takes to load your website theme or a theme, select the creation of a new website in a short time, which is faster to load.

5. Use fewer plugins

Due to the popularity of WordPress WordPress is made of the enormous amount of websites. Due to the use of these WordPress plugins to use a lot of different needs. This plugin gives rise to a lot of the loading time of a website. So as low as possible on the use of plugins. Again, be careful to use the plugin. 50 is a lot of time it takes to load a website plugin more than 10 plugins are added to the website. So no more time to load plugins in the plugin if you do not use any plugins or alternative use.

6. Useless add

You should not use the add-on. Each add-on because it takes the time to load a new image, which is associated with.

7. Nope not use additional social buttons

Ryakankim and create website traffic using social media, we all know how important it is. Many more things for the use of social buttons. Over on social sites such as loading reduces speed. Each is made with JavaScript social buttons. He also can reduce website loading speed. Do not use any unnecessary social buttons. Creating a website for our country, such as Reddit or Tumblr that does not require the use of social buttons.

7. Use less Redirect

We needed a lot of time with an URL to another URL Redirect. But the loading time of the website to Redirect HTTP requests sent additionally. The delay in the website to load. Redirect it as low as possible should be used for each website.

8. Please remove broken links

Ryan Kim harmful components of a website for broken links. So try to remove from the website the link is broken. One is to send a request for a broken one link, but the results did not come. This is just a waste. Due to the increased loading time of a website and the websites of the damage rya Rakim. Therefore, the link becomes active, or remove broken links.

9. Please be careful in the use of external links

With a website, if you want to use in the course of external links. Various references or links to external websites content more credible if you want to use, or use video to embed links. Note, however, is not so much the external links. Additional links page takes a long time for the website to load.
More tips can be given in the future will be through the new article. If you have more tips to share with me. 

What kind of title that will increase traffic to your website?

             What kind of title that will increase traffic to your website?

A good headline/title of your blog post can make a lot more popular. Most visitors only see the title decided that the article did not fall.
So you will need to attract their attention. Again, just do not have enough attention, you need to create a headline by highlighting their expectations. Visitor thinks that he's trying to get it to this article.
Therefore, you must remember that the whole article headlines a short line.
There are different types of headlines. According to the content is written in a different manner.

1. List Kant enters hed Alanah

First of all, I will mention how to write headlines for the content list. A lot of the time series to describe the content of the list to describe the types of content you need to Hayashi headlines li habena

~ 10 .................. best method.
For example, 10 is the best way to increase your brand.

~ ..................... 10 lessons that I have learned .
For example, 10 to Video Marketing Lessons I learned.
~ 10 tools, each of which requires ............................
For example, each of the 10 tools that are needed to do market research.
~ 10 reasons why .............
For example, 10 of the reasons why I failed to blog.

II. Tutorial Micah

This is an important niche blogging tutorial. A variety of tutorial or tutorials on a variety of topics that the blog Oh. A common format tutorial is "How To ...." Format. Which was posted on a variety of issues?
The method of writing headlines for the post tutorials can write it as follows:

~ How to create a marketing strategy?
~ How to do business without any capital?
~ How to make a website marketing is the right way?
10 ~ SEO methods.

3. Review antenna

Another one of the many Rama kama contents via the content of the text content of the review. Then people will engage in a review of the content that will attract the visitor's headlines. Product reviews are usually written for sale. Most of the content on lower sales of products for the review of the headlines has made important contributions.
Review content will be profitable to write the way the Headlines

~ (Product) ribhiuh (profits / benefits).
For example, the iPhone 7 rib high picture is unlikely to burst.
~ Benefit / profit: (product / service) review.
For example, 3 GB internal me march Samsung mobile phone reviews.
~ A v Kha H Which is better?
For example, Apple vs. Samsung - Which is better?
~ Why do we ...... (products) will use?
For example, the Samsung Galaxy 7's why we will or will not use?

4. Secret postage

One of the secrets of the POST method postaphaloyaradera blog post or a regular visitor to attention a new follower or a visitor or a new post is used to create a secret.
We all like to know the secret things. When I think about the subject of headlines whenever Secret losing something, so now you should read this post and click on the link. The secret for the most important headlines of the post. The secret is how to write headlines for the post are:

Forget ~ B Kahn check instead.
For example, instead of Isaiah Video Marketing To Forget.
~ The Secret of .............
For example, the secret method of video marketing.
~ ......... Things that you do not know.
For example, digital marketing, which is the most important thing you do not know.
~ ............ Things that you do not know.
For example, video marketing secret things of which you do not know.

5. Negative post

Usually, all the bloggers writing Nirapaksa or write positive stories. That is the positive post. But if you can write about anything negative, it will act as a tool for generating traffic to your website. For all the negative things that attract. To post that kind of negative headlines may use:

~ Be alert/warning ........................ ..
For example, there are likely to be cautious Hannah Samsung 7 using BLAST.
~ Why do you ........................... (wrong), and what to do?
For example, why do you harm a child? Keep children away from a mobile phone.
~ Should not .............
For example, the SEO should not be doing that.
~ ............ Mistakes that everyone should be avoided.
For example, SEO mistakes that should be avoided.

In addition to the above-mentioned types of posts, we have a lot of time to do a blog post about the latest or most important data. This type of blog post a lot of visitors increases, makes a lot of shares, or like a lot of different blogs that link. In this post is usually the most habotai. For this kind of post will be headlines

Method ~ 10/10 Tips / 10 to work ..................
For example, through the use of the 100 system is able to bring visitors to the website.
~ ............ Full direction.
For example, the full direction of SEO.
~ We were asked the question ..........
For example, when we ask what is the process to 0 phrilyansarake online income?
~ .........: Resource.
For example, SEO resource.

In addition to this method, there are many other methods, which are subject to interest visitors. The more you study, the more ideas online to find the headline.

5 ways to increase subscribers and views on YouTube?


      5 ways to increase subscribers and views on YouTube?

Why do you need to know before the first increase in subscribers to subscribers on YouTube. Subscribers who they liked your content, you follow and who wants to see your next kantentio. In addition, the person who is a subscriber to see your new video, like the share of the comments again. To whom you can sell the product or service, through which followers share and increased customer. When someone subscribe to your channel, and also later when his YouTube account login will be able to watch your video on the YouTube home page of the view will increase. The more subscribers, the more income will be increased, and will increase stability. So we can easily understand how much importance subscribers. Video marketing is therefore an important goal is to increase subscribers.

Now I know how to increase subscriber?

1. To subscribe call Supply

Digital marketing is very effective for Call To Action. This is the case with video marketing more effective. At the end of your video call the moment your viewers to subscribe to the channel. Call To Action call or your subscribers will increase rapidly. However, the call will be presented in the right way. Call-To-Action video highlight will be the subject of the use of 3

~ Tell them to do?

~ Tell them why you need to subscribe?

~ Tell them how to do?

For example, you can tell right away if I want to get more new tips, click on the Subscribe button.

2. Use Annotation

Annotation of the people in the video, which chotaekati using sticky notes. This helps to increase both subscriber or view. However, it's more like some marketers are using video, which becomes irritating. Annotation used in such a way so as not to be disturbed, so that the viewers can help boost your subscribers. You can use two ways to use Annotation.

~ YouTube that has Annotation Annotation can use the link on the channel, or you can use other video link.

~ Graphic design through a button and the button included in the video on YouTube using the Annotation Spot Light, which will be connected with a link to your channel. It is very effective to the viewers eyes.


3. An alternative method of using blogs, YouTube Widget

If you have any web properties or the like, where the traffic comes to a lot of properties that can be used to boost your subscribers. That is, if you have a blog on the blog to embed a video to increase subscribers can utilize. Widget YouTube subscribers that you will need to install the blog. Widget is very easy to install.

4. Please keep in touch on a regular basis

YouTube is a community. Where is the relationship with one another, with one another in a variety of likes, shares and comments karetai through the exchange of information and other video content that you create your niches karakadera please contact your relationship. They regularly comment on the video, like the ad. As a result of its relationship with its subscribers will be attracted to read your comments.

If you need a day out of any channel is on your niches. Make a list of their contact them, please post them. Be careful not to comment on any spamim. Relevant and informative comment. Then the video channel marketer and able to attract subscribers.

5. Video: The series

Helps to increase the continuity of video subscribers. Like watching a video on YouTube to share bhiuyarasa comment that he likes his new video shows the video on the home page. As a result, if you do not subscribe to the first video bhiurasa new video viewing time increases the possibility to subscribe to. So long break after the release of a video with the video should be issued after a certain time.

Organic way how to increase Facebook likes


        Organic way how to increase Facebook likes

Facebook pages for the most widely used and popular medium of Facebook marketing. The most popular pages like a different way to promote growth or try to. Many different tools like Exchange or through the website increases page likes. But like much of the gain is due to be fake.

Like the others paid marketers increase. However, if you can increase your page likes araganikabhabe like that will be the most profitable. Here is a description of how to increase araganikabhabe like to highlight are:

1. About Menu:

About Menu sub-menu of each page of your information. Most of the time, however, we do not think about About Menu, did not provide any information, which is not much in the Facebook Search page. The hope behind the search works About Menu. For example - Category, Sub-Category, User Name, Address, Long Description, Short Description, etc.

2. Invite Friends:

Invite your Facebook friends to like your page, either. Invite the way you can. Invite your friends to have a section of your page, you can send Invite your friends, if you do not send all your friends Invite only Invite friends to a city if you want you can too. You can also send messages to your friends on Facebook personally likes you can send the Invite.

3. Run Contest and Giveaways or Discount Offer:

Contest / Free / Discount on to offer these new ones are coming. Winning the award again in order to get something for free, or if there is a deal that would send her Facebook Contest to Invite friends to Like the page increases. But keep in mind before the Contest No Contest to a new type, such as all of the same kind Contest Contest will be like when I started, but not that much. There is always something new interest.

4. An alternative method is not only the service and product promotion

Facebook sampurnai the related interest. People here are associated with a variety of interesting things to see or talk janyatai do not always post about a product or service. Almost 80% of these should be the subject of your post interestim. Whether the service or product, or anything else related.

5. Quality Or Viral publish content for:

Facebook is trying to create some content to create content which is the content of the Quality Or Viral always seemed like a man, like and share. These are the types of content that is shared by many is like. This content can be on various topics such as:

~ Something that people ask about.
~ "How To" type content.
~ Tutorial
~ The most important resource niches.
Articles about the history of ~.


6. Relevant Groups:

Relevant pages on the group can share the best post. For example - Clothing Business Buy and Sale Type the group can share. The marketing of your business will be, and is expected to rise along with the likes your page.

7. Insights:

Most of the Admin pages do not see Insights. But seen in the pages Insights. With Insights you can find any kind of likes your post like some kind of donors do not like to post every day, much like many un-like barache is why al-like, like any city, there are more pages, pages according to its target whether able to go on.

8. Ask Friends to Invite Their Friends:

You can ask your friends to personally likes to make his friends Invite. Invite a friend to a friend, or if the message is viewed more seriously. Share links to pages on his account by his friend Invite friends can send.

9. Best time:

10. Facebook Like Box:

Footer on your website, Contact page, add the Facebook Like Box, whoever will come to your website and your website will see a better way to connect better with many of them on your Facebook page to like that.

11. Reference your Facebook page on your blog:

In your blog article to your Facebook page or your Facebook page can link to any particular negative. It is of course that relate to your article. From there, your pages with a link to the article, if you like the article, they can like your page. For example - Moshiur Monty - Digital Marketing Trainer hahahaha!

1. Other Social Media:

Make your Facebook page to connect with other social account. For example, if you have a channel on YouTube, the channels, the channel Arte Description and add links to pages on Facebook.

13. Facebook Advertisement:

Are you surprised, like organic matter and talk again talking of advertising? Like many organic can be found through Facebook advertising. For example, if one likes to see ads

What you can earn from outsourcing marketplace?


           What you can earn from outsourcing marketplace?

Outsourcing is a popular profession in Bangladesh. Computers at home and work in different countries through the Internet can be a very good income to the young men and women of our country are moving in this profession. Marketplace outsourcing can be done in several different ways. If you wish to receive a freelancing career you must have good ideas about the marketplace. How a job is to apply the marketplace? What kind of job needs more? Etc. If you know how they are paid to work and get your job will be much easier.


Bangladesh is the most popular marketplace for outsourcing Upwork. In this marketplace, no fee is charged to the account. Although it is difficult to be wearing the Marketplace account. However, if you have a better way to demonstrate your work experience and information, and if the account is likely to be approved.

What jobs are available

There are all kinds of work related to IT, such as graphic design, digital marketing, programming, video production, marketing, data entry, research work, work, etc. Auto keda.

Job Type

The Marketplace hour and can be fixed in two ways. If you hire a Client hours he will pay a per hour. This is a marketplace for its own software, which has been estimated by the hour. If you hire as a fixed amount to be paid at the end of the work. However, job security more than an hour.

When you apply for a job, then apply a few things to keep in mind. For example, how many hours Client has a job? What kind of feedback before phrilensaradera? What made the work rate and so on. Please provide accurate information during the course of the application. You will increase your risk of getting a job.

Competition kemanah

The marketplace is relatively difficult to get to work. Because a lot of competition. But if you write a good cover letter to highlight your work experience and if you can find work easily.

Method of Payment

In this marketplace, a marketplace is very safe. From here, the money can be raised in various ways. For example, several MasterCard - Payoneer. You can withdraw money directly to the bank.


Marketplace is another popular Upwork like Fiverr. However, this does not look like Upwork marketplace functions. Marketplace is a shop like this. All types of products such as a store or a customer needs is a customer purchase on Fiverr takes just as phrilensarara works with detailed information about the "gig" was created. The service requires the client to purchase the service phrilensaradera hire a gig. Gigera minimum price of $ 5 each.

What Did I mention the chance to work

The marketplace is open to all types of work, such as the gig Web Design, Graphic Design, PowerPoint Presentation, Digital Marketing (SEO, SMM, e-mail marketing), creating landing pages, data entry, etc.

Job Type

The fixed payment for all work, work, clients give you a specific time to finish the work in time, you also mention your gig in your samayato exist.

Competition kemanah

Yes, there is competition in the marketplace. However, since the marketplace, so do not post any client to get a job at a marketing gig is required to own. If you do well in your gig Marketing will increase its sales. Social media marketing can do for your gigake. For example, Facebook, linkadina, you can share it on Twitter.

Method of Payment

Phaibhara withdraw money from the safe. Uoolanera means easy money from Bangladesh payoneer Master Card.


Online marketplace within a marketplace, the old name is Freelancer. There are many different kinds of jobs to the market place. Almost all sectors of the IT marketplace, you will find a job. In addition, there are many types of job, such as the IT marketplace Accounting. Here is easy to apply. Does not require any fees to the account. 8 pm Free Membership account in the bid can not be more than a job.

What jobs are available

This amount Marketplace Job is submitted. So with all kind of IT and IT jobs are available outside the job.

Competition kemanah

 There are many jobs as quickly as the marketplace has a lot phrilensararao. So there is competition, and once again did a better job than the risk of getting a job. In fact, all the old marketplace, selecting a good competition.

Method of Payment

Peyaniyara payment method in the master card can make money. In addition to raising money through Paypal or Skril.



Another popular marketplace in the name of freelancing marketplace PeoplePerHour. The marketplace is a little easier to get work from other marketplace. Each of the marketplace is to provide a batch of phrilensarake level 1-5. This will increase the level the greater the chance to get your work. This level can be increased to 3 before getting the job done. 3. To increase the level of your project and, depending on the buyer phidabekera. Before you can work to increase the level 3 STAR and endorsamenta way. Anyone can give you the endorsamenta and Star. So you can try to get from others endorsamenta and Star. By giving you another endorsamenta endorsa and STAR and STAR can get.

What jobs are available

There are many different types of IT job here as apaoyarka or phrilensarera such as graphics design, web design, web development, digital marketing, data entry, etc.

Method of Payment

Payoneer can make money from Bangladesh through the Marketplace.

Competition kemanah

Freelancer of the marketplace, and will remain, but Upwork pratiyogitato less than the competition.

5. 99 Design

99 designs different from other marketplace, a marketplace. This is basically a popular marketplace for designers. For example, who can design, web design, logo design, cover design, Facebook, WordPress Theme Design, etc. for their marketplace. The bid does not work. Client information here refers to the design of the designers need to design it according to the data stored. I like the design Client's specified price was paid to him during the job posting. Like the competition.

What jobs are available

Web design, logo design, cover design, Facebook, WordPress Theme Design, Icon Design, blogs, banners, YouTube channel design, etc.

Method of Payment

The marketplace can be Payoneer payment and the Skrill. Bangladesh wants to know that in this marketplace, designers can work.

Competition kemanah

Puratai competition because it is designed to fulfill the work will be well worth it.

6. Bilyansarah

This is the marketplace. Like freelancing in various international marketplace, our country is a popular marketplace bilyansara. If you're new phrilensara large marketplace, and not being able to do the job, then you can start with bilyensara. There are good phrilensara different sectors of the marketplace. To create a good relationship with them, you can create your freelancing career.

What jobs are available

Here there is a different job. For example, marketing, web design and development, graphic design, etc.

Method of Payment

And develop a variety of local payment methods can withdraw money through the Marketplace.

Competition kemanah

Due to the local marketplace, a little less competition.

7. Tisprimh

Tee-shirts Marketplace tisprim is an online marketplace to sell. Design and marketing of the marketplace to work, you need to know. Phrilenserara the marketplace, and they designed their own T-shirt design T-shirts for marketing sales. Phrilensarara T-shirt sold by the commission on the price of the fixed rate. If, however, you can appoint a designer designs will be without knowledge. In other words, if two people can work together team.

The Market is much more popular in our country. Both free and paid marketing methods you can use to marketing. However, one can not very well paid marketing on Facebook, such as a paid add-on to the good income and is very fast. Tee-shirts printed with your bikrayakrita tisprim will and will send it to the customer, so the job is well designed and is marketing it.

Method of Payment

Different ways of payment can be withdrawn from the marketplace. It means peiniyara MasterCard to withdraw money easily from Bangladesh.

Competition kemanah

The issue here is not acceptable that competition is a good design and marketing of the sales.

8. Micro oyarakarsah

Outsourcing is now very competitive. So now is a little harder to get a job wearing the big marketplace. Phrilenserara now looking for new marketplace. A marketplace that is easily found work Microworkers.

What jobs are available

The marketplace is doing something small can be easily. For example, clicking on a Adde, the comments somewhere, anywhere, and to sign up. This marketplace is very easy to work rate.

Competition kemanah

There is no competition in the marketplace. Each account has a certain amount of work that could be done is income. The bid does not require any kind. If you can accomplish certain amount of dollars, which will have to be done. However, for the very low price of the marketplace.

Method of Payment

Skrill can make the payment through the Marketplace.


Designers and developers Marketplace is a popular and familiar Behance. This is one of the famous Adobe Marketplace. It is a marketplace where many jobs are available in a variety of designs such as web design and development, graphic design, logo design, banner design, etc. work. A variety of programming languages, such as the Python, C, etc. working.


TopTal new marketplace, their popularity can tell Cui Cui. However, almost all kinds of work can be found here, there are lots of work for developers.

What jobs are available

Which language do you know that you are able to do this marketplace piecapi eg, Java, C, C ++, Python, etc. You just can not work here without knowledge of HTML and CSS Front-End developer because there is a lot of work. The popularity of WordPress theme for wordpress development lots, plugins, etc. Development is working.

 Marketplace Marketplace is one other difference from the many job opportunities here phainensa experts said.

Competition kemanah

Everyone can not work in this marketplace. The work of the experts. So if you're a programmer, you can do this marketplace. Here is a much better work rate.

Method of Payment

There are different types of payment methods in the marketplace, Master Card and bank wire.

11. GURU:

Yatagula has to freelancing marketplace is the name of one of the Guru. There are many jobs to the marketplace. Marketers will be able to work here, designers, developers skilled in a variety of categories, including phrilensarara. However, most Web developers are working. Marketplace competition in the marketplace to the other relatively low.

What jobs are available

Web Design and Development, theme development, software development, digital marketing, article writing, and design work are different.

Competition kemanah

Apaoyarka, phaibhara, phrilensarera this marketplace compared to India, Pakistan and Bangladesh phrilensara low. Taipratiyogitao a little less. Marketplace other groups who do not have jobs, they can do this marketplace.

Method of Payment

Takasarasari bank earnings from the marketplace, payoneer be made through MasterCard.


Being a part of the famous GraphicRiver Envato Marketplace. Where several designers and developers to design their templates, themes etc for sale Webster publish. At GraphicRiver Photoshop files, icons, logos, fonts, templates, etc. in a variety of presentations and be able to sell. If you're a good designer will then allow you to sell your products. The marketplace can be sold in many designs. Because a lot of buyers marketplace.

Competition kemanah

Phrilensarai designed to sell many countries of the world. So much competition. The designs submitted to the competition, but good design is the cell if the cell to increase the amount of marketing can be.

Method of Payment

Payoneer money can be withdrawn easily phrilensaradera our country to be safe and popular in the Market.


Marketplace is a popular SEO experts SEOclerks. All types of job available in the marketplace, such as SEO keywords research, on-page optimization, SEO audit report, etc. Review the job, and there are even several blogs. There is also a work of writing the article. If you can write well and you can write SEO friendly article then allows the job marketplace. In addition, PDF books and software or plugin to be sold here.

Competition kemanah

The marketplace is competition. SEO a lot of work just to be a marketplace for SEO experts apply for a job in this marketplace is competition for karese. However, there is a lot of work. So if you have found a job.

Method of Payment

PayPal from the marketplace, payoneer or pager can withdraw the money.

Why do not you work wherever you need to know the good work. Then you'll work faster and be able to be a good phrilensara. So I'll focus on the first working day of learning, learning to work as soon as we'd like to earn money or training to the state, this thinking is wrong bhabanata, 16-18 years, without having to study a long time to get the job worth 20.000

Instagram Tips to Success


                             Instagram Tips to Success

Instagram is a social media very quickly social media has become a top level. The social media is much faster phaloyara engejao. In the case of digital marketing so you do not use instagram a major absurd.

Instagram Instagram post-marketing cases, if the marketing success can not be found. Instagram for marketing strategies or to specific rules. Instagram 5 important to the success of the marketing methods to write today.

Adopt a strategy for:

Instagram users post very quickly and freely post any pictures. But when you are marketing your products to a marketer post for each post when any strategy or technique, according to the post. Your post must be creative to get better results. Phaloyara be so impressed by your creativity. Paucche quick post to another, and then the engagement will increase. Strategy can be of many kinds, such as what you are doing to the post, the main purpose of branding or sales, for whom the post is, how many posts per day will be posted at any time, the photo will be the design, marketing, etc. will be how.

Who is your audience janunah

Instagram is one of the many challenges is what should be posted. If you want to know what you should post, the post is more than you would like to share your adiyensake Meet the first time.

No more than the follower is engeja, most engagement on the content and why. All such information in the analysis should be able to understand what type of content you share.

Hash (#) tags Use

Hash (#) tags more people through the use of a post-show and a popular and proven methods to increase araganikabhabe audience. So all marketarai using this method. You will need to collect some of the most popular hashtags before using hashtags in your market / product / service related. Do not use any popular hashtags hashtags to search your keywords in the search. As you can see, with the popularity of the search hashtags. Post from the use of hashtags.

Competition Analysis

Instagram competition analysis are more important for marketing. In particular, it should begin marketing the new Instagram. What are the issues that should be considered in competition analysis are:

What kind of participants to share photos or videos.
A hash (#) tags used.
When they post.
Whom they follow.
How to create their captions.
Many of the contestants for a long period of direct marketing copy, which does not bring any success. Do not try to copy them. From ideas to create their own strategies.



Most important to the success of Instagram is the key to engeja. So you have to be engeja different ways. Followers try to answer every comment. Or to answer a lot of followers in response to increased engagement. If you do not have to answer your post to increase engagement. Comments should be targeted followers of the film, should be like. However, do not like to remember that a picture is irrelevant. If you do not have to promote a brand.

This work is very small and it takes less time, but much of the work by the increased engagement. So, of course, should be to increase engagement. Without engagement in social media, Instagram is no reason why it is not possible to be successful.

How to SEO for competitors to do research?

                                 How to SEO for competitors to do research?

A good SEO expert can you be when you are only able to pinpoint your exact kampetitara. Who's rise to the top search results for your chosen keywords or your targeted keywords, etc. is a very good way forward. Then they will see in what way or how they proceed to your website is SEO, visitor what they are. They include the amount of Backlinks. Knowing these things, and the next step would be to analyze your competitors are able to take the right way.

1. To find out who your Kamp ETI Tarah

Until then you will not be able to analyze the competitors as long as you can understand correctly that your competitor. Easy to be found online, but offline business competitors in the field of SEO is often very difficult for a competitor is found. Because you do not know how your competitor is competing with you. They could be your competitor does the same niches, or any one of the Long Tail Keyword is competing with you. He who sees your targeted keywords in Google search and the search results are the top level. Began working with them.

II. Please visit Competitors

After the list of sites your competitor's sites to visit. In this case, you will see how to create their site, and how much time their site is loaded. Then you will see what the amount of their content, and how the quality of the content, no keywords are given the highest importance. To give more importance to the content. Through analysis of a Web site, you can find out how much your competitors are strong, how much their presence on the Web. If you want to compete with them, how much stronger you will be, how much you have to invest on.

3. Keyword analysis for:

SEO keywords are the most important success ektara. Your competitors may be a better way to optimize the keywords in order to increase the rank. So what you need to know what keywords they target. It's a little hard to know what keywords they are targeting. Because you are the keywords for your niches top, though it may not seem him. If you do not know what keywords they are working, you just keywords for your ideas If you do not use.
Which keywords are competitive on the right way for you to get paid in a variety of tools you can use. Paid tools you can easily understand which keywords will give a lot of information on the website is rya kanaka. You can use the Spyfu, SEMrush etc. paid tool. These tools will give your competitors a lot of important information, no primary keywords or Long Tail Keyword- rya ban ka the website will reveal what it is.

4. Please check competitors backlinks

Another way to understand the position of their competitor's backlinks. Backlinks can be understood through the rankings of the main approaches. Allowing for a better way to analyze the backlinks of your competitors will. See how many backlinks they have given priority to the website of any kind for Backlinks, anchor text they use, where they create backlinks. They are then able to accurately sense what saktisalitachara their backlinks to your website through the analysis of your own to get a better sense of backlinks. If they do so, then you must be the most popular sites these backlinks.
There are many popular paid and free tools for backlink analysis. You can see a lot of backlinks to your competitors at free and can be used for paid or These two very popular tool to tool. You can see some of these tools in the domain of competitive by Kalina his par manas aha more important information.

5. Factor analysis of the sort

There are a lot more important than keywords ektara rankings. A rya tankia factor to be considered, and that the analysis should be a better way. You will see how many pages of their websites have been indexed, other search engines, and how they are working on. If necessary, you are ektara Take a look at Google's main rankings. The factor analysis of the websites of your competitors.

6. An alternative method of analysis of the social media presence of competitors

Social media is a very important factor for search engine anakinra. Google is a website rya kanaka how social media presence before your competitors will see it. More than any of their presence in social media, they have no social media or social media to target more visitors than they are, or will know what you need to consider.
7. Pipes whether they use?
An analysis of the competitors must know, what your competitor is using a paid ad or pipes. Pipes direct traffic to a website which brings a lot of quick work. Google is an ideal website through which you can easily bring visitors to the Useful or profitable. So see what your competitors are not paid for marketing or pipes. If they paid you the way of marketing

What kind of article that helps to increase traffic?

A popular blog is a great tool for online marketing. You can create a variety of income sources. For example, Adsense, affiliate marketing, CPA marketing or sale of any goods or can own.
But a lot of content is to write a blog popular. The quality of the content is to be completed. If not, it can not attract visitors. Sometimes we can not find a topic to write content or the content of the article do not understand a lot of the time we can increase traffic to my blog, will play a big role. If you do not like the content is a topic if the customer can not be created. Topics content type that is why people prefer to Select, select the type of topics.

1. Daily News analysis for:

Visit the blog to find topics to write content and the latest news on your niches. When you search for a topic on Google khu Jara could come back again and again to the same topic. But if you look at any newspaper News of the latest news in the paper analyzes will get a lot of important information.
The niches in the high-profile byaktigulo discuss any issues, they should be some source of that study. If you can find topics to write very quick blog content.

2. Post comment

One idea is to create a source of the most popular post comments. There is a viral blog post or social media post comments amount to. These comments are not just some words. Here is a blog topic, with new business ideas and so on. In this case, different can identify a new trend. This is why there are no comments Tandon is viral, wants to know what things people ittadira. You can create a blog about the content of the subject.

3. Q & A site visits for:

Q & A sites is another great source of content. Q & A Please visit different sites on a regular basis. For example, Qoura and Yahoo Answers. Visit the sites of the two types of facilities. First, many of the questions you will find on your niches and have a wide variety of answers to the question of where the content will get a lot of ideas, you can learn something new. And the second is, you know if you need anything, ask about any topic to include in the content, which will get a lot of ideas. 500 to 1000 words to write the content will get a lot of ideas here.
Just do not be upset several good Q & A site Facebook and regular visits from your local linkadina group will get a lot of ideas for blog content.

4. Customer surveys or sort on followers

Sales growth or an increase in traffic, whether that none of the surveys are sometimes followers or customers. According to surveys, such as information about the customer to ask questions or to their desires, and their feedback on the matter and so on. If you know these things, you can easily find the topic of the visitor's desired content.

5. Competitors ACTIVITIES

We are always in danger, but they wear a lot of competitors for each business to benefit. The topic is an easy way to find out the content of the blog competition. Topics to competitors looking for something very close to first create a list of participants. They ended it in any kind of written content analyze. This analysis will come through with good topics. And on a more detailed description of the topics and content of the new data type. Do not ever try to copy.

6. Please research your niche or industry history

On niches to get a good topic to research the history of the niches. The Internet is a medium for research is very simple. But if you do not get good information, but you can read a variety of books in the library, and in the industry. In the book provides general information on all kinds of things from the beginning.
Not just books and magazines, the library will magazine. If you want to prove himself on a subject matter of the information and the data from the original will be the highlight. Then your visitors will think you efficient on these subjects.

7. Please publish the interview experts

If the blog content as well as various experts to interview. For example, if your niche is health advice of a doctor, you can create a content, or for any SEO expert's advice can write a blog post. In particular, several experts can write a series of posts. This series brings the visitor to a blog post.
Various experts advice, etc. The experience of visitors to see the content on the blog's content and increases reliability. And a lot of time to interview experts do not cost anything. Because they can promote their brand. You can publish it to your blog to interview experts.

8. Controversial Subject:

In the midst of all kinds of things to attract more negative things. In your industry that a lot of the negative things that are being discussed or have been the subject of a recent viral write the content for the blog. These are the types of content that will attract your bhijatarake easily.

Video marketing is important to know what you want to succeed

Video marketing is important to know what you want to succeed

He said that in both cases earning just preach your business on YouTube or video market an effective medium. Video Marketing is something wrong at the time, but many fail him. The mistake is the neglect and sometimes it is and sometimes it will. But if we become aware of a little, allowing us to plan, then we organize a successful video marketing becomes.

1. Video banana

Video marketing is a common cause of failure of the first and made the video. That kind of marketing plans or strategies does not need a video he made for the video. Even if the impact of this kind of branding does not grieve. Especially in our country, the new video from YouTube market arara quickly in order to earn any kind just to create a video, and the video begins with a video marketing. But they do not get much success.

Things to keep in mind to make the case that the video should:

~ What information does the video.

The video quality is very good ~.

~ Because of what the video will look bhiuyarsara priority over the issue.

2. An alternative method of branding

Many people have seen a video can say "Hey, the video was a miracle." But this video is he who made the video or can not remember if it can be called that video marketing has failed. So the aim must be to create videos that they are properly branding. Bhiuyarsara remembers for a long time so that your brand. Then one day he will become your follower or ka sta mare.

For example - in recent years, Samsung has issued a video, the video I have seen a few times, and I've shared close links to the video message to the people, it is better Samsung's branding. See, I share with you, if you do not know before now search on YouTube to see again is branding.

3. An alternative method is to create long videos

For promotion or branding for a product that is made all the video when it is usually short video. Within a short time, so that the customer gets a better idea about you. But if you have a long time to create a video if a customer is more likely to be disturbed.

Many people see the video of the drag, it may be that your main objective of the hand. If you have made a video other than the business of the Company may but is better when videos of 3-5 minutes.

4. An alternative method of Call to Action

Video marketing is another reason for the failure of any kind in the video is not associated with Call to Action Call to Action kara ap ani not associated with a video if you left your Bhi Yara sake middle of the road. He later told what to do or how to do something. As a result, the customer can be on your side.

Samsung's video again, that is to say, the idea would be to take a look at -

5. Success and Reality

Within all of us, there is a lack of guru Bapu NE thing about it is the lack of patience. It must be marketing. Phrilensara those who do a lot of video marketing video without the expected success. If you do not succeed quickly losing patience. This sector will not be successful, and I think he wants to focus on video marketing.

Suppose you or your business is a social advertising for this video viral video will be made and you're idea, but it may not be very good, maybe you can have an impact on the market in the next video, the video may be known by the people of your brand, but was and the video is not much sales and sales through your branding can be both.

A few days back a variety of video marketing company Prata SY ita success, but not stopped. As a result, a lot of wasted time and money marketing haya Bhi Dio case because the patient can not be lost when you do not know what will make you popular videos.

6. Do not focus on more than one death

A video should always focus on a subject. You can tell each target market videos. All the videos that focus on just one subject, such as a problem with the video are made, given or a product review for a new product or service marketing, etc. They are more likely to be successful.

7. Product or bhakta

Video Marketing is one of the most simple means of selling a product or service. But many marketers to create video products, the customers do not have the desire or the choice of the product or service, the more important, the video explains that service attributes. As a result, video marketing fails. First, you need to know what the customer wants to know from your video. Then, based on the needs of the video is to spell out his needs and your marketing becomes.

8. Do not use the alternative method enal ai tika

Some marketers are a little lazy. They create high-quality video and better optimize the goal of the enemy